
How do I link my myLink account to the product I have purchased?

  • Create your personal myLink profile and add your data, then click on " view profile ".

Once you are on your profile, copy the URL of your profile, bring your phone close to the product you purchased... if the link does not open, check that NFC is enabled on your device (in Android you can find it in the settings , in the IOS models after the iPhone X it is always active, in the previous models before the iPhone X you can find it in the drop-down menu ) alternatively if your phone does not have NFC scan the QR code you find on the back of the instructions with your smartphone camera.

When the link to connect opens, paste your personal myLink profile URL where prompted and click "connect".

Once you are redirected to your profile everything will be connected and you can start using your myLink. To modify the data entered, simply log in with your myLink credentials to change them without any limits. Below you will also find a small illustrative video that shows you how to connect. The procedure is the same for both IOS and Android.

1) My myLink doesn't work with iPhone.

  • Try moving the device slightly horizontally (left to right)

It's not your phone model that matters, but that of the person touching your myLink!

  • Make sure you tap your myLink to the top of the back of their phone.

On iPhone, the NFC chip reader is located on the top back of the device.

  • A myLink CANNOT be read when:

- their phone is in airplane mode

- their device's flashlight is on

- their phone screen is off

- their camera is open

2) My myLink doesn't work with Android.

  • Try moving the device slightly vertically (going up and down)

It's not your phone model that matters, but that of the person touching your myLink!

  • Make sure you touch your myLink to the center of the back of an Android phone.

In Androids, the NFC chip reader is located in the central part of the back of the device.

  • Make sure NFC is turned on in your phone settings

If their phone is in the list of compatible devices and it still doesn't read your myLink, make sure NFC is turned on in the phone that is tapping your myLink. To verify that it is active go to: Settings > Connections > NFC > Activate

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